Saturday, June 15, 2019

Position Paper on Achilles (As the Hero) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Position Paper on Achilles (As the Hero) - Essay ExampleIn Greek mythology honor meant courage, integrity in ones belief and actions and truthfulness of intent. Achilles fulfills all of them whereas we see that Hector is unable to stand his ground in trying to fight for his people. In book 22, Hector was the single Trojan go away outside Troy. His incur, Priam, stands guard observing the battleground from the Trojan fortifications. He pleads with Hector to come inside. We then see that Hector contemplates finding a less electronegative solution by giving over Helen of troy, who was the fountainhead of the war, and with her the treasures that Alexandrus bought, in order to settle with Achilles. But he still stands guard deciding that Achilles would not be merciful. However, the sight of Achilles at the gates struck fear in the heart of Hector who fled with Achilles in hot pursuit. Hector runs the length of troy thrice, trying to give up himself of Achilles. Meanwhile in Olympus Z eus, watched this chase and pitied the noble Hector who had burned many a heifer in his honor and considers saving him. Minerva (Athena) then flares up saying that if her father wishes to alter the prophesied draw of Hector then she would not be of mind with him. In response to Athenas disapproval, Zeus urges her to descent from Olympus and fulfill Hectors predefined fate. so at last as the two warriors were approaching the fountains of Troy for the fourth Troy, Zeus balanced his golden scales and placed on each end the fate of Achilles and Hector, whereby Hectors scale fell into the depths of Hades. We witness then that Athena goes to Achilles re sites news of his upcoming victory and informs him of her plan to trick Hector. Athena then appears near Hector hide as Deiphobus and convinces Hector to face Achilles with Deiphobus by Hectors side. When Hector finally faces Achilles he pledges not to mistreat his body if Achilles is slain and return it to the Achaeans, in turn for a r eturn favor incase Hector meets his end. Achilles refuses to bind himself in any such pledges and tried to strike his spear at Hector. But Hector managed to suspend it. In retaliation Hector, with remarkable aim, hurls his spear at Achilles but it bounces off his weapons. When Hector turns to Deiphobus to ask for another spear he finds that his brother has disappeared and then it dawns on him that Minerva has tricked him to his doom. Hector, nevertheless, wants to die a glorious death and swoops upon Achilles with a sword. Achilles moves forward for an attack as well and having spotted the exposed collarbone of Hector through the armor he pierces his neck. As the last breathe leaves him Hector asks for his body to be sent to his parents instead of being devoured at the banks of the Achaen ships but Achilles does not honor his entreat and ridicules him. Following this the Achaen soldiers wounded the body of Hector and his body was then dragged in dirt by the chariot of Achilles. T he city mourns for their hero as Hectors father, mother and married woman go manic with grief. An example of a show of honor is when Achilles shows immense resolve and righteousness for his cause as Hector nears his end. While Hector lay bleeding, he tries to entice Achilles with promises of gold and treasure if Achilles would return Hectors body to his people. Earlier when Hector asks Achilles to deliver his body to his city if he dies, he replies Hector delay You unforgivable you dont talk to me of pacts. There are no binding oaths between men and lions

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